Friday, July 27, 2007

havent blogged in a while

ok so i havent blogged in a long time cas internet was broken becuase it was raining for like a week straight. but pretty much what i did was go to theme park called tu tu can, and shopping, and celebrate cousins birthday, and i saw harry potter, and i went to this plaza that had like 500 fruits that i had never heard of and i tried each one and they were delicous and so i wanted to bring back the seed so i could plant it and have them to eat forever but then my mom told me that seeds arent allowed back into the u.s. that was a downer on my day. oh and on two days that there was nothing to do i watched three whole season of friends, man i love that show.

1 comment:

rachel kalei. said...

mmmm. fruit. that sounds good....